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Westlake Fulfillment Terms and Conditions of Use
Customer acknowledges and agrees by utilizing Westlake Fulfillment Center for Live Transfer fulfillment to the following Terms and Conditions:
Westlake Fulfillment Center bills for 93% of any Live Transfers that are connected with our customer for 15 seconds or longer. For example, if we send 100 Live Transfers, you will be billed for 93 live transfers.
Westlake Fulfillment Center bills 100% of Failed Live Transfers. A Failed Live Transfer is defined as Westlake Fulfillment Center attempting to call the DID provided (by the customer) for 15 seconds or longer, and the Buyer abandons the call (or the call is declined by the customer). The 15 seconds starts from the time Westlake Fulfillment dials out to the phone number/DID provided. The 15 seconds does NOT start at the time the customer phone initally rings (verified by our system reporting) but when Westlake Fulfillment Center initiates the Live Transfer from our system therefore it is recommended that the customer verify with their phone system provider there are no call filters or anything that would cause a delay in the phone ringing from an inbound call/Live Transfer. It is also recommended that the customer has it’s own DID for Westlake Fulfillment Center Live Transfer intake. In the case of a Failed Live Transfer the potential clients information is sent to the customer in standard e-mail format to be contacted by the customer.
Westlake Fulfillment Center will bill weekly every Tuesday for the following weeks leads, and this invoice is due by EOB Thursday. Westlake Fulfillment Center reserves the right to pause or cancel the campaign until payment is received.
Each Monday, we will send out an invoice for any overage sent the previous week. For example, if the previous Tuesday you paid for 200 Live Transfers, and we sent 207 Live Transfers, you would receive an invoice on next Monday for 7 live transfers. This invoice is due by EOB Tuesday.
Westlake Fulfillment Center is not responsible for and does not guarantee, does not track, and is not responsible for conversion rates on leads provided as we are simply a 3rd party fulfillment for customer.
Westlake Fulfillment Center does not guarantee any specific amount of leads per day or per week, but acts in good faith to fulfill the order that was paid for the previous week. In the event that Westlake Fulfillment Center does not deliver on the amount paid for the previous week, customer has an option to receive a check for what is owed by the following Wednesday, to receive a credit for those live transfers owed on the next weeks bill, or to receive the amount of Live Transfers on top, if possible, of the order placed for the following week.
Customer understands and agrees to, by purchasing Live Transfers fulfillment services, to indemnify Westlake Fulfillment Center from any and all liability that might result from said Live Transfers purchased. We agree to scrub all data from any and all lists customer provides for suppression but that is where our services end.
Customer agrees to use a phone/routing system that can implement SIP trunk routing and posting SECURELY instead of a traditional DID routing method; this is not a requirement, but there will be no 15 second buffer for failed live transfers if they do not use a dialer that is able to use SIP trunk routing securely with the WOC system.
Customer agrees to use a “Ring all” routing system for all calls, that will simultaneously ring to multiple agents. The customer agrees to NOT use any other routing method, such as a waterfall routing system or individual ring protocol.
Customer agrees to not resell Westlake Fulfillment Center live transfers to any other companies, affiliates, independent contractors, or any other person.
Customer agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Westlake Fulfillment Center for any and all liability resulting from a live transfers, including but not limited to DNC, TCPA issues etc.